
From can see to can't see

From can see to can't see

We might feel that we can grasp the majesty of the pyramids, the beauty of a far-flung wilderness, or the haunting atmosphere of an interior, but, if experienced through a screen, our understanding is distorted. In this second SuperRare exhibition with GRA, the artists consider natural and man-made environments, interior and exterior landscapes, and investigate the possibilities and distortions of the new technologies on our ways of understanding the world around us. They consider the magical possibilities of the digital realm as a positive companion to ‘real’ experience. They explore what it is to experience and be confused by it.

A lot of what I'm about to tell you is made up

A lot of what I'm about to tell you is made up

I’m delighted to announce that GRA’s first NFT show on the SuperRare platform launches at 6pm UK time today, 9th July, with the auctions starting throughout the day. Further NFTs will be dropped by the artists at intervals throughout the period of the show.