With extensive knowledge of the art world we can advise, whether buying for pleasure or investment. Dealing with galleries, curators and artists directly from their studios, Blackbird Rook has an established network of connections that can ensure greater confidence in the creation of an astute and forward looking collection.
Blackbird Rook services include:
• Creation and development of credible and forward looking collections, including sourcing and acquiring specific art works or works by named artists.
• Creating a balanced investment strategy to include:
Low Risk: works by blue chip artists - £100K - £5M+. These are artists who are in multiple major private and museum collections and whose place in history is secure.
Medium Risk: works by emerging artists - £20K - £100K+. Emerging art is a general category for contemporary artworks created by young artists, and older artists who are relatively under-recognized, whose careers are on the rise and are considered to be on the path to critical and/or market acceptance.
High Risk: works by unknown artists and recent graduates - £1K – 20K+. These are highly promising artists who have little or no profile. The risks are much higher but the prices significantly lower allowing 'in depth' collecting.
• Investor profile management and portfolio review - raising the collection profile in order to unlock access to the most sought after and investable works; identifying museum quality pieces and managing loans; advising on works that could be sold to release funds for more strategic investment.
• Collection management - establishing a private gallery, overseeing the design and specifications of a suitable building and curation of the ongoing exhibition programme.
• Sourcing, curation and installation of contemporary art in the workplace.
“We back emerging UK companies and it seems only right that we are now surrounded by emerging UK art. Blackbird Rook were flexible, diligent and creative in delivering their expertise in an accessible way.”
“Blackbird Rook is excellent at discovering under the radar artists whose work is available at reasonable cost and who, we believe, stand a good chance of increasing in value due to their quality.”
“Greg’s insights enabled us to reinvigorate our portfolio with confidence and support some exciting new talent.”