An exhibition of painting by Clyde Hopkins (1946 – 2018)

2nd – 23rd April 2022 at Linden Hall Studio

“At Linden Hall Studio we have been delighted and honoured to show the work of Clyde Hopkins over a number of years. The work always resonates and arrests our audience whenever they pass through the gallery, and to have a vibrant and varied exhibition of his painting is a pleasure to work with and a pleasure to show. When we open our doors and the viewers turn at the top of the stairs to see the show, I can pre-empt what the majority instantly respond ; ‘Wow. That’s definitely a Clyde Hopkins.’ What a great legacy to have left, and a privilege for us to play a part in its continuation’

- Myles Corley, Gallery Director, Linden Hall Studio

‘The elements in Hopkins’ work seem to come from strikingly different, even contradictory, traditions, as if he is seeking to cover extremes of expressive language, rather than occupy a unified middle ground. The juxtaposition produces a peculiarly complementary effect, as though two implacable opposed artistic visions had collided in the same work. The result is an increase in intensity so great that the contents of the painting seem to pass through a tangible ordeal, a sort of visual pain barrier, which strips them of lyrical compromise, and aesthetic consolation and delivers, in the place of these lesser pleasures, the unmistakable rewards of serious poetry.” – David Sweet, 1996

Clyde Hopkins was born in East Sussex in 1946, moving with his family to Cumbria when he was eleven. He studied Fine Art at the University of Reading in the 1960s where he met his future wife, the painter, Marilyn Hallam. He exhibited work for over forty years, produced in studios in Greenwich, Deptford and St Leonards.

Group exhibitions at public venues throughout the UK and Europe include the Hayward, the Whitechapel, the Axiom, the Bede, MOMA Ox-ford, the Royal Academy, John Holden Manchester, Stephen Lawrence Greenwich, Hastings Museum and Art galleries. Many private galleries have also exhibited his work. He was awarded the Mark Rothko Memorial Fellowship (USA) in 1980-81 and in 1999 the Lorne Award. His work is in public and private collections in the UK and North America. He taught in many art colleges and universities and in 1982 was appointed Head of Painting at Winchester School of Art. He moved to Chelsea College of Art in 1990 and was made an Emeritus Professor after leaving in 2006.


Linden Hall Studio, 32 St Georges Road, Deal, Kent CT14 6BA

Tuesday – Saturday

10am till 4pm

For further information please contact:

01304 360411