Marilyn Hallam

Other Things, Oil on canvas, 137 x 114cm

Other Things, Oil on canvas, 137 x 114cm

I began working as an art advisor just over three years ago, following twenty years as an artist and Fine Art lecturer. I have loved the work, whether it be working with international galleries or visiting artist's studios. Spending my days looking at the best contemporary art is always a pleasure, but the clichéd dream is to walk into the studio of an overlooked artist and discover a treasure trove of work.

After the lockdown lifted a little I managed to spend an incredible day in Marilyn Hallam’s studio in Deptford. I was blown away by the inventiveness and quality of the work.  After hours sorting through the racks and documenting as much as I could, I’m now really excited to show this work.

Please email me for a pdf detailing a broad selection of work from the last forty years.