The Exponential Benefits of Truly Contemporary Art

There has been a considerable amount of positive research suggesting that art in the workplace increases creativity, efficiency and productivity. If there is even a small percentage increase in productivity then a modest investment in art is clearly hugely beneficial, but what I think is most interesting is how the kind of work displayed effects staff, clients and the conversations that are fostered.

A lot of art that finds its way into work environments is not truly contemporary. It is derivative, aping aesthetics, processes or techniques from decades past. Contemporary art involves an ongoing discussion which is related to and reflective of contemporary culture. It engages the world around us and how we see it - helping us to see things afresh. To paraphrase Jasper Johns, it clashes two flinty ideas together, causes a spark and then seeing becomes thinking.

If the work in your office is what might have been contemporary decades ago then the benefits of seeing that work will be less.

As a practicing artist and academic with a deep understanding of what constitutes genuinely contemporary practice, Greg Rook can offer work by artists that are part of the ongoing conversation of contemporary art, so that staff and clients gain the maximum possible benefits. As a company, you can also be proud patrons of the future greats.

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